A downloadable game for Windows


Infinite Runner.zip 6 MB

Install instructions


  • Left-click to fly / let go to drop
  • Escape to quit


This was a prototype for an infinite runner that was meant to be dazzling, psychedelic, and cheerfully colourful. 

The game was meant to star a girl who was in college studying Law. The game would be her dreams made interactive. 

In her dreams, she would think of the pressures of college life - grades, boys, and maintaining her self-image, as well as those found in the industry of Law. These all appear as negative manifestations in her dreams that she is challenged to avoid or overcome.

Counter to his is in the player maintaining her self-care, such as with healthy foods, connections with her close friends, and in the positive side to the practice of Law.  These appear as positive manifestations in her dream that, when interacted with, have some sort of positive effect.

The game's art style was to be inspired by a few games, namely Lollipop Chainsaw (Grasshopper Manufacture, 2012), the Phoenix Wright series (Capcom), and Persona 4 (Atlus, 2008).

This prototype inspired a Flappy Bird clone made a few years after called Happy Wings.

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